Saturday, December 13, 2008


So this week was one of the worst in my life, I had the biggest final in nursing school this week and it was going to determine whether I was still going to stay in the program!!!! AHHHH!!!!! I studied all week at least 12 hours for 5 days straight!!!! I had never studied so hard in my life!!!!! But it was all great because I passed and now I only have a semester and an 8 week capstone to go before I can be called an actual nurse!! Yahooo!!!!!!! Rob of course did well on his finals, he is so smart I hope when we have kids they all have his brain and not mine! HeHe. Right now we are in Utah and loving it! We traveled up Friday the 12th, making a few stops along the way, it was a lot of fun! We hope to see everyone while up here but if we do not, we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! We love you all!

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